
Deepa Yoganathan, MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor
Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
Deepa Yoganathan, MD, Assistant Professor at University of Toronto, Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences, has served 2 years on the planning committee for Retina Case Conference Canada. She is also currently the Co-President of the Toronto Ophthalmological Society, the Co-Chair of the Canadian Ophthalmic Imaging Symposium, and the Retina Surgical Skills Director at the Canadian Ophthalmological Society. Dr. Yoganathan completed the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons’ Educators Faculty Development Program and was awarded Teacher of the Year by her residents in her first year of practice.
Dr. Yoganathan completed a Bachelor of Science in Physiology at McGill University and obtained her MD at Albany Medical College. She then graduated from residency in New York at NorthShore – Long Island Jewish (now Northwell). She completed her vitreoretinal fellowship at St Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto. Dr Yoganathan has been practicing cross-border in the US and Canada since she graduated in 2010. Her research interests include retinal trauma and diabetes.